Johnny Coder

1 MyAddress
MyTown 1000 @twitter_handle
MyCountry 1800 my-phone-nr


2010-2014 (expected)

PhD, Computer Science; Awesome University (MyTown)

Thesis title: Deep Learning Approaches to the Self-Awesomeness Estimation Problem


BSc, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering; University of HomeTown (HomeTown)

Minor: Awesomeology


Your Most Recent Work Experience:

Short text containing the type of work done, results obtained, lessons learned and other remarks. Can also include lists and links:

That Other Job You Had

Also with a short description.

Technical Experience

My Cool Side Project

For items which don't have a clear time ordering, a definition list can be used to have named items.

Open Source

List open source contributions here, perhaps placing emphasis on the project names, for example the Linux Kernel, where you implemented multithreading over a long weekend, or node.js (with link) which was actually totally your idea...

Programming Languages

first-lang: Here, we have an itemization, where we only want to add descriptions to the first few items, but still want to mention some others together at the end. A format that works well here is a description list where the first few items have their first word emphasized, and the last item contains the final few emphasized terms. Notice the reasonably nice page break in the pdf version, which wouldn't happen if we generated the pdf via html.

second-lang: Description of your experience with second-lang, perhaps again including a link, this time placing the url reference elsewhere in the document to reduce clutter (see source file).

obscure-but-impressive-lang: We both know this one's pushing it.

Basic knowledge of C, x86 assembly, forth, Common Lisp

Extra Section, Call it Whatever You Want